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Tuition: $400 CAD
Location: Online
Instructor: Carly Dame (



The only program on the planet like it. The Modern Artist Academy is an all-in-one online program designed to give you the creative vision, business knowledge, industry secrets, and self confidence you need to build a life doing what you love. Think of me like your new business best friend. We’ll do this together. Your future is yours to create, and I’m here to help you. This is the potent, exclusive information that’s helped 400+ people push through their barriers and build a life doing whatever it is they love - and I hope you’re next. You’ll receive weekly in-depth lessons covering a vast variety of topics that will help you build a business, the strategic way. Gain financial freedom, purpose in your life, a free schedule, deep self-confidence, and the ability to be in the driver’s seat of your own life. Work on the lessons at your own pace, then come to the online community to share, discuss and grow with like-minded creatives from all over the world. Read further to see exactly what’s in the program. The Modern Artist Academy is designed to fill the massive void in useful guidance and advice for creative entrepreneurs. Before The Modern Artist Academy, there was nowhere you could turn for help, no one to ask questions like “how much should I charge?” or “where do I find clients?”, no one sharing their experience or knowledge. My mission is to change that so you can make meaningful progress towards building a life you love, and feel supported while doing it.



It’s for creative spirits of all kinds. It doesn’t matter what it is you love - photography, design, music, art, wellness. Everyone has a deeper purpose inside them and this program is designed to help you find it and develop it. It’s for people who are ready to turn their passion into a business, and who need a solid plan to make it happen. If you know there’s more to life than working the job you’re sick of but you’re not sure where to start, then this is the program for you. If the thought of creating a business is overwhelming but you’re craving freedom and passion, then I want you to sign up. You are capable of so much more than you think you are and I want to help you see that. This is the start of a new life for you.



You get to decide how much you pay for this program. Simply scroll to the bottom of this page and type in how much you can afford. I trust that you will pick an amount that feels good for you. I’m doing this so it’s a “no brainer” for you to sign up. I want to give everyone an opportunity to change their life with this program, regardless of how much money is in their bank account right now. Most creative mentorships like this are $5,000+ which most people can’t afford. So, I’m offering this program one more time at a “pay what you can” price. Sign ups close on March 21st and after that, the price will go back to it’s full value. Read through the course overview and decide how much you can afford right now. Note: this program is based off my $5,000 mentorship and you’ll receive everything I give to my 1 on 1 clients. Don’t miss out on this.

It's time to decide what you want, roll up your sleeves and get to work to create it for yourself.

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Lessons Delivered To Your Email Inbox

Open your email every Sunday and know you’re getting everything you need to build a business and a life you love. Work on the course materials at your own pace from anywhere - your lunch break at work, your couch, the plane or the beach. The course is designed to fit in with your lifestyle.


Access To Our Private Online Community

Join the largest network of creatives and artists from around the world coming together to grow, connect and discuss. You will make new friends and connect with creatives from different countries. You’ll also have a support network wherever you travel to. I know some new lifelong friends are waiting for you inside.


1:1 Support From Me

If you’re having trouble with a concept or a topic, send me a message and let’s work through it together. The purpose of this program is so that you don’t feel alone on this journey. I’m here for you, and so is our community. With support behind you, you won’t fail.


Purpose And Clarity In Your Life

As we move through the weeks together, the momentum will build for you. You’ll have purpose and clarity in your life again. You’ll no longer feel like life is passing you by. Instead, you’ll be actively working towards a different future for yourself. The pieces will start to fall into the place and your dreams will begin to take shape. With a little skill, consistency, and this program, you’ll be unstoppable.






In this pillar, you’ll develop your unique creative purpose. We all have one. Maybe you already know what yours is and you’re ready to develop it further, or maybe you need a little help to find it. Both are just fine. Don’t avoid signing up because you don’t know what your purpose is yet. We’ll look at your strengths, your background, your values, your experiences, and what makes you wildly valuable to help you find a path you feel energized about. Once you find your purpose, the competition melts away and the opportunities flow to you. P.S. Just because you decide on a path now doesn’t mean your stuck with it forever. Your purpose will grow, adapt and change as you do. This is the best part of being a creative entrepreneur.



You are in control of your life. You get to decide where you live, what your job is, how much you earn and who you spend your time with. In this pillar, we begin designing a life that works for you and then creating a strategic plan to get you there. What does happiness and success look like to you? What time do you want to wake up in the morning? And in what country? It’s time to be intentional about your life and go after what you want.



Find your vision and build a legacy through your creative passion. Develop a brand that people fall in love with and separate yourself from the crowd. Become someone that other people look to for inspiration and motivation. Shape your industry and position yourself as an expert, regardless of your experience. This pillar covers all of this and so much more. If your current branding plan involves posting sporadically on Instagram and hoping someone hires you, you need this.



This pillar demystifies the world of creating and scaling a business doing what you love. This is probably what you’re here for. Dive deep into the process of turning your passion into products and services people actually need. Wake up with an inbox full of messages from people you want to work with. Blend work with travel. Learn how to price your offerings to maximize profits. Learn effective marketing strategies and sales funnels to turn your audience into paying customers. Share your products and services without being “salesy”. Develop products and smart systems that make you money while you sleep. Gone are the days of the “starving artist” mentality. The whole world is based on media. If you think you can’t make a living being creative, this module is for you.



Self love is often the first thing we push to the side when life gets stressful. Learn to connect with yourself again, to make time for yourself and to put yourself first. Learn to create daily practices that make you feel calm and focused and learn to let go of all of the negative self-talk and all of the doubt and limiting beliefs you’ve been carrying for too long. See how your insecurities are all just an illusion created by your brain. Learn to stand up for yourself and set boundaries. Have the confidence to actually go after big opportunities without self-sabotaging. Learn to have fun again, to be spontaneous, to take care of yourself, to love yourself deeply. Oh, and also another big one: learn to manage difficult conversations with friends and family regarding your new path. Ultimately, this is your life and you know what’s best for you.



Attract an audience of people who love you for you, and who are the perfect match for your products and services. Learn how to be vulnerable, to share your story, and to draw your audience into your world. Learn to create valuable content on a daily basis and how to grow your audience in an authentic and honest way. It’s no secret that social media is a big part of business today, and it’s important to harness it’s possibilities.



For the first 100 people who join, I’ve created a toolkit including all of communication templates, successful project proposal frameworks, financial planning documents, etc for you steal from me. The fundamental cornerstones of my business. This is the stuff I would have killed for when I was starting out. You will get it at the end of the program.

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We only have one life. And that life is going by quick. It’s cliché, but it’s true. Instead of going after our dreams, we take the “safe” path. We’re scared we won’t make any money doing what we’re passionate about. We have pressure from our families to get a stable job. We do what other people think we should do. We promise ourselves that one day we’ll break the cycle and make a change. Well, that time is now. There is so much out there in the world waiting for you to experience. Your future is yours to create. I want you to find your purpose, develop your skills and wake up feeling passionate about the projects you’re working on. I want you to adventure to new lands and experiencing new cultures. I want you to grow into a person you trust and admire, and I want you to feel confident in the future you’re building for yourself.


The creative entrepreneur with a laptop is making more in one day than you’re making in an entire month at your “safe” job. You’re missing out on true financial freedom by staying at a job that pays you a few thousand dollars each month. I know you’re worried about giving up the stability of your job, but it’s costing you everything - your freedom, the ability to make real money, your health, your sanity. Freedom is the greatest gift you can give yourself. I know it’s scary to make this leap and you don’t have to do it right away, but you may as well use your free time to build a different future for yourself.

Maybe I haven’t met you yet, but if you’re on this page and reading these words and feeling a connection to what I’m saying, then I know you’re meant to be in this program. We’re meant to be working together. Don’t be afraid to sign up.


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A little about me

I’m a photographer and business educator based in Vancouver. I began my photography career with nothing more than a $25 film camera and a dream. Before that, I was an accountant. I made a decent salary, but I knew there was more to life for me.

The decision to quit my job for photography gave me my life back. You’ll hear all about my life in the program - my struggles, the risks I took, my stories, etc. Please promise me you won’t be afraid to give up your job for a whole world that’s waiting for you. I almost wasn’t brave enough. I want you to see the life that opens up for you when you get on your path.

I’m not going to spend time trying to sell you on why you should be a part of this. You’ll know deep down whether this is for you or not. Your old life will always be there waiting for you, so what do you have to lose? Better yet, what do you have to gain?


  1. Is this course delivered online? Yes! As long as you have an internet connection, you can take this program.

  2. My work/school load is busy right now. Will you be offering this again? I will not be offering this as a “pay what you can” course again. The good news is you get to keep all the workbooks and trainings forever. Join the course now, collect all of the content, and do the program when your schedule slows down! Don’t miss out on this opportunity.

  3. Can I really pay whatever I want? Yes, I want to make this program available to everyone who needs it. Think about what the course is worth to you and choose an amount that feels good. I trust you’re doing your best.

  4. How can I contact you if I have questions? Email me at and I’d be happy to chat with you about any questions you have.